The Playwright and His Times: Emphasis on biographical background relevant to un

The Playwright and His Times: Emphasis on biographical background relevant to understanding the play, perhaps including but not limited to important family, community, national, and world events that influenced the playwright and his work. (10/100 words)
Form, Structure, and Plot: What is the organizational structure in terms of acts, scenes, prologues, and/or epilogues? Discuss techniques such as the use of a chorus, flashbacks, dream scenes, chronological order of events, off-stage actions, and main/subplots. Then, outline the events of the plot, labeling the exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax (turning point), and falling action. Be sure to include your justification for both inciting incident and climax in terms of classical dramatic structure. (20/400 words)
Character: General comments: flat/round characters? Believable? How revealed? How complex? Protagonist, antagonist, supporting? Then describe three essential characters: name, age, three descriptive adjectives, appearance, personality, function in play, and a representative and revealing quote from the character; be sure to explain what this quote reveals about your character. (30/500 words)
Setting: Describe the set as the playwright intends it. Are there any symbols in set or props? What atmosphere is created? How loyal have recent productions been to the playwright’s original intentions? Provide specific examples. (10/200 words)
Comparative Analysis: Compare and contrast a single scene from the written play with a specific staged version. Assess the director’s interpretation of the scene based on the staging and performance of the scene. (20/400 words)
You will need at least four academic sources. MLA Format

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