The final project deliverables will consist of an individual PowerPoint presenta

The final project deliverables will consist of an individual PowerPoint presentation and an individual reflection paper.
You will create their own patient-centered case-study for a population of you (For
example, Slowing the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes in African American men over 60 or Lack of
exercise for high school age teenagers or Limiting the occurrence of osteoporosis in women
over 50). And, through research of the current literature, use of the topics and content provided
in this course, you will develop a high-value, patient-centered solution to the presented
challenge. The following should guide your final project:
• What are the current problems or issues you have identified in your case study or
clinical scenario?
• Provide at least 2 solutions and compare and contrast these solutions.
• Choose one of the solutions and discuss a key steps to implement your solution.
Prepare a Voice-over PowerPoint or Prezi presentation (or some other mode of your
choosing) with the following content (which can be thought of as five slides – excluding the title
1. Introduction/Background: Describe the topic/issue and why it is important.
2. Literature Review: Summarize the current research surrounding this topic-
compare and contrast current models being used to deal with the
3. Solution proposal: Offer at least 2 solutions you would adopt and identify the one
you would choose to implement first and why,
4. Conclusion: Provide and further recommendations and closing thoughts.
5. Reference list (at least 15)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Your “slides” should briefly show major points and your narrative
should expand on and enrich each point (in other words, don’t just read the slides)
Reflection Paper (this is separate from the slide presentation)
• Write a reflection on your personal takeaways from the final project and from the
course as a whole
• Maximum of 2 pages, double-spaced

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