The Enlightenment & the Industrial Revolution: Learn here (Links to an external

The Enlightenment & the Industrial Revolution:
Learn here (Links to an external site.) how to use discussion boards in Canvas.
Based on the material in Unit 6 & 7 covering 1760-1870, was the Industrial Revolution a reflection or a rejection of Enlightenment ideals? Because this prompt is comparative you must discuss Enlightenment values and events of the Industrial Revolution. Even if you think it’s a little of both, I want you to take a stand and argue one or the other.
You may compliment other students, but your grade will be based on meeting these requirements. Make your response long enough to meet the following requirements.
A response which is only based on the class lecture videos, textbook, or the primary source documents from Canvas. If you use other materials, AI or if you plagiarize, you will receive a 0 on the assignment without an opportunity to redo it.
An obvious, thorough and clear answer to the prompt.
Information from class materials on the Industrial Revolution and analysis of that information to prove your thesis.
Information from class materials on Enlightened Ideals and analysis of that information to prove your thesis.

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