Subject; ABA Therapy Overview Before researching a behavior, it is important to

Subject; ABA Therapy
Before researching a behavior, it is important to first identify and define it. All experiments must have a behavior (dependent variable), at least one participant, and a setting where they take place. For this assignment, you will start writing the Introduction and the Methods section of your hypothetical behavior analytic study. Consider an area of research that interests you. Then, select a specific behavior, population, and setting for your hypothetical study.
Complete the following sections of your hypothetical behavior analytic study. Use the Hypothetical Behavior Analytic Study Template [DOCX] to complete this assignment. For each assignment you will add new sections.
Select and operationally define a dependent variable (behavior) for your hypothetical behavior analytic study. Your operational definition should be brief (1¿2 sentences), objective, clear, and complete.
Objective refers to unambiguous descriiption of the behavior; void of mentalistic words. An operational definition that meets the objective criteria is one that is observable and measurable.
Clear refers to what a person says or does; the topography is clearly defined in such a manner that two observers will have a high agreement when the behavior is observed.
Complete refers to the boundaries of what is included and excluded. To discriminate the boundaries of the operational definition, include examples and nonexamples with minimal differences.
For more information about writing an operational definition, review the following information in your Applied Behavior Analysis text.
Hawkins and Dobes’s three characteristics (top of page 70).
Morris’s three criteria for testing a definition (page 70).
Discuss the social significance of the behavior and why your research should address it.
In your discussion, cite behavior analytic journal articles to support your conclusion or explain why this behavior is socially significant to this group of individuals.
If you need help using the Capella library, review the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Research Guide Links to an external site..
Methods: Participants and Setting
Identify the participants that were targeted in the hypothetical study (diagnosis, age, other important information) and the setting where the study took place. This will be the start of the methods section (participants and setting).
Additional Requirements
Your assignment should meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Writing is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines. Review Evidence and APA Links to an external site. for more information on how to cite your sources.
Resources: A sufficient number of scholarly or professional resources.
Length: 2–3 double-spaced pages, not including the title page or reference page.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
Competency 1: Apply techniques of behavioral measurement and data display.
Select and operationally define an appropriate behavior for a hypothetical behavior analytic study.
Explain the social significance of the behavior chosen.
Describe the participants and setting used in the hypothetical study.
Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.
Demonstrate an academic writing style through well-organized prose that follows assignment guidelines.
Demonstrate compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.
Behavior, Population, and Setting – Scoring Guide
Behavior, Population, and Setting – Scoring Guide
Criteria Ratings Pts
Select and operationally define an appropriate behavior for a hypothetical behavior analytic study.
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27 to >22.95 pts
Selects and operationally defines an appropriate behavior for a hypothetical behavior analytic study and includes examples and nonexamples.
22.95 to >18.9 pts
Selects and operationally defines an appropriate behavior for a hypothetical behavior analytic study.
18.9 to >0 pts
Selects and attempts to operationally define a behavior for a hypothetical behavior analytic study, but key information is omitted or extra information added.
0 pts
Does not select or operationally define a behavior for a hypothetical behavior analytic study.
/ 27 pts
Explain the social significance of the behavior chosen.
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27 to >22.95 pts
Explains the social significance of the behavior chosen and provides justification.
22.95 to >18.9 pts
Explains the social significance of the behavior chosen.
18.9 to >0 pts
Attempts to explain the social significance of the behavior chosen, but the explanation is not complete or is inaccurate.
0 pts
Does not explain the social significance of the behavior chosen.
/ 27 pts
Describe the participants and setting used in the hypothetical study.
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26 to >22.1 pts
Fully describes the participants and setting used in the hypothetical study, and includes all important details.
22.1 to >18.2 pts
Describes the participants and setting used in the hypothetical study.
18.2 to >0 pts
Partially describes the participants and setting used in the hypothetical study, but the descriiption is incomplete.
0 pts
Does not describe the participants and setting used in the hypothetical study.
/ 26 pts
Demonstrate an academic writing style through well-organized prose that follows assignment guidelines.
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10 to >8.5 pts
Demonstrates an academic writing style through well-organized prose that contains no significant grammatical or mechanical errors and follows assignment guidelines.
8.5 to >7 pts
Demonstrates an academic writing style through well-organized prose that follows assignment guidelines.
7 to >0 pts
Demonstrates minimally acceptable writing style, but still has instances of disorganization, grammatical, or mechanical errors, or does not follow all assignment guidelines.
0 pts
Does not demonstrate an academic writing style.
/ 10 pts
Demonstrate compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.
view longer descriiption
10 to >8.5 pts
Develops a paper that is fully compliant with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.
8.5 to >7 pts
Demonstrates compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.
7 to >0 pts
Demonstrates minimally acceptable compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.
0 pts
Does not demonstrate compliance with current APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.
/ 10 pts
Total Points: 0

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