Students will write a 1,000 word (approximately 3 pages) paper on the following

Students will write a 1,000 word (approximately 3 pages) paper on the following topic: Trace the ideas of Western Civilization from their origins in Greece to the Twentieth Century.
This is a standard research paper, and you may use MLA, APA, or Chicago style (footnotes). The paper must be between 1,000 – 1,250 words.
A minimum of 3 sources (you can use more if you wish)
No general encyclopedias or Wikipedia
No webpages (any internet-related Journal articles found through the Library system are okay)
Formatting of the research paper:
The research paper should conform to the following standards:
1 inch margins on all sides
12 point Times New Roman font
Page numbers in the top, right corner
Ragged edge on the right (this is usually the default setting for Word)
Place a word count at the end
A Bibliography/Works Cited page with all of your sources properly cited

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