Student Introductions & SWOT Analysis No unread replies. No replies. This assignment addresses the following Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs), Metacognitive SLOs, and Core Objectives: MSLO 1 Students will apply metacognitive skills to plan for all stages of assignments. MSLO 3 Students will apply metacognitive skills to evaluate task performance. Communication To include effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and visual communication. Write a paragraph introducing yourself to the rest of the class. Include information about your major/degree, what schools you’ve attended, the city you live in, hobbies, future goals, family, pets, job, or anything else about you that you’re willing to share. I encourage you to include photos and/or short videos with your introduction so people can put some faces to names! If you attach pictures, please make sure they are tasteful and won’t offend anyone. After introducing yourself in general, you will write a brief SWOT Analysis. SWOT analyses are a self-reflection activity that asks you to think about your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Consider the questions below. You do not have to answer every question, but use the topics listed below to help guide your answers. Please only share what you are comfortable sharing about your life and personal strengths or weaknesses. If you already completed a SWOT analysis in ENGL 1301, we encourage you to go back and review where you left off with updating your SWOT analysis at the end of your ENGL 1301 course.
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