Specifically, your Intellectual Autobiography is: the story of your intellectua

Specifically, your Intellectual Autobiography is:
the story of your intellectual or academic development,
focused on the past – your journey here,
directed inward – it requires you to self-reflect on the people, events, choices, and experiences in your life that have shaped your attitudes and thinking about the world,
NOTE, it is NOT a recitation of the facts of your life
Students will then write and submit a five – six (5 – 6) page, double-spaced, 12-font, paper using the “section headers” for organizational structure; i.e. Title, Thesis, “Global” Theme, Overall Goal, Academic Interests, and Worldview/Disciplinary Lens.
Please follow the directions and guidance for what you should include in each section as you write your paper, ensuring you answer the relevant questions, as appropriate.
The expectation is that this paper be well-written, clearly present sincere self-reflection and clarity of thought, and be free of errors in grammar and punctuation. 

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