Search and Evaluate This week, you will find three scholarly, peer-reviewed rese

Search and Evaluate
This week, you will find three scholarly, peer-reviewed research articles on your topic. Remember that next week you will submit a paper on Cultural and/or Ethical perspectives of inquiry, so use this week’s assignment to prepare materials and collect information for that purpose.
Use articles that will help you explain and describe cultural and/or ethical, legal or regulatory issues related to your topic. You will analyze and evaluate these articles in your submission, which should include:
A brief introductory paragraph
Three separate paragraphs, one for each of the three articles, each presenting:A brief 3–4 sentence summary of the article (use in-text citations)
An explanation as to what makes this source credible (in the WCU Library go to Research Guides > Research Basics > Evaluating Resources)
An explanation of why the article will be useful in addressing your problem or issue
A brief conclusory paragraph
An APA Style reference list on a separate page
Your paper should be 1–3 pages in length (including the References page). Adhere to APA Style throughout.
Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded.
Points: 20
Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time)
General Education Standardized Rubric: Week 4 Written Assignment
General Education Standardized Rubric: Week 4 Written Assignment
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
10 to >8.9 ptsExceeds Expectations
Fully addresses all elements of the assignment and provides detail and quality examples. It is clear that the student fully understands the key issues.
8.9 to >7.2 ptsMeets Expectations
Addresses most elements of the assignment. Few details or examples support the paper. It is clear that the student has a general understanding of the issues.
7.2 to >5.9 ptsApproaches Expectations
Addresses a few elements of the assignment; many are not addressed. Details and examples are missing. It is clear that the student does not understand many aspects of the key issues.
5.9 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Most elements of the assignment are not addressed. There are no details or examples provided. It is clear that the student does not understand the key issues.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication
6 to >5.34 ptsExceeds Expectations
Assignment shows strong, insightful evidence of the synthesis and application of the ideas and concepts.
5.34 to >4.32 ptsMeets Expectations
Assignment shows some evidence of the synthesis and application of the ideas and concepts.
4.32 to >3.54 ptsApproaches Expectations
Assignment shows little evidence of the synthesis and application of the ideas and concepts.
3.54 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Assignment shows no evidence of the synthesis and application of the ideas and concepts.
6 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Mechanics
2 to >1.78 ptsExceeds Expectations
The writing demonstrates sophisticated clarity and conciseness and is extremely well organized. Punctuation, spelling, and capitalization are all correct with minimal to no errors.
1.78 to >1.44 ptsMeets Expectations
The writing is clear, concise, and well organized. May contain a few punctuation, spelling, or capitalization errors.
1.44 to >1.18 ptsApproaches Expectations
The writing lacks clarity, conciseness, or organization. Several errors in punctuation, spelling, and capitalization detract from the readability of the paper.
1.18 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
The writing is unfocused and poorly organized. Many errors in punctuation, spelling, and capitalization detract from the readability of the paper.
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources and APA Formatting
2 to >1.78 ptsExceeds Expectations
Uses APA Style accurately and consistently to cite sources without errors. Meets length and formatting requirements of the assignment. The required number of relevant audience-appropriate sources have been expertly cited and integrated into the content to support ideas.
1.78 to >1.44 ptsMeets Expectations
APA Style is used with few citation errors. Meets most length and formatting requirements of the assignment. Reputable audience-appropriate sources have been included but may not be well integrated. The source content minimally supports ideas.
1.44 to >1.18 ptsApproaches Expectations
Reflects incomplete knowledge of APA Style with many errors. Meets few length and formatting requirements of the assignment. At least one source is used but is not cited properly, is not reputable, or is inappropriate for the audience or topic. The source does not support ideas.
1.18 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Does not use APA style; there are pervasive errors throughout the paper. Does not meet length or formatting requirements of the assignment. Sources are not provided.
2 pts

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