` Rubric Name: Individual SWOT/Reflection Assignment Print CriteriaSignificant I

Rubric Name: Individual SWOT/Reflection Assignment
CriteriaSignificant Improvement NeededDeveloping
Criterion Score
Changes/Growth Over the Duration of the Course
1 point
Changes in the SWOT over the duration of the course is missing/inadequate and is not linked to course concepts.
2 points
Changes in the SWOT over the duration of the course is not well described nor linked to course concepts.
3 points
The description of changes in the SWOT over the duration of the course could be improved with further depth and clarity and/or linkage to less than 3 course concepts is provided.
4 points
A detailed description of changes in the SWOT over the duration of the course is provided with linkage to 3 course concepts.
5 points
An exceptional description of changes in the SWOT over the duration of the course is provided with linkage to 3 or more course concepts.
Score of Changes/Growth Over the Duration of the Course,
/ 5
Plan to remain current & up-to-date as a healthcare leader
1 point
The description of how you plan to remain current and up-to-date as a healthcare leader is missing/inadequate.
2 points
The description of how you plan to remain current and up-to-date as a healthcare leader is not well described.
3 points
The description of how you plan to remain current and up-to-date as a healthcare leader could be improved with further depth and clarity.
4 points
A full and detailed description of how you plan to remain current and up-to-date as a healthcare leader is provided.
5 points
An exceptional description of how you plan to remain current and up-to-date as a healthcare leader is provided.
Score of Plan to remain current & up-to-date as a healthcare leader,
/ 5
Strengths & Opportunities
1 point
The list and description of strengths and opportunities is missing and/or inadequate.
2 points
The list and description provided of strengths and opportunities is minimal.
3 points
The list and description of your professional strengths and opportunities could be improved with clarity and depth.
4 points
A full list and comprehensive description of your professional strengths and opportunities has been provided.
5 points
An exceptional list and description of your professional strengths and opportunities has been provided.
Score of Strengths & Opportunities,
/ 5
Weaknesses & Threats
1 point
The list and description of weaknesses and threats is missing and/or inadequate, and there is no plan to address them.
2 points
The list and description provided of weaknesses and threats is minimal, without a plan to address them.
3 points
The list and description of your professional weaknesses and threats and your plan to address them could be improved with clarity and depth.
4 points
A full list and comprehensive description of your professional weaknesses and threats has been provided with a plan to address them.
5 points
An exceptional list and description of your professional weaknesses and threats has been provided with a plan to address them.
Score of Weaknesses & Threats,
/ 5
Formatting, grammar, punctuation and spelling, APA
1 point
Grammar, punctuation and spelling is poor. APA formatting is not used correctly. Page length, font and spacing requirements have not been met.
2 points
Paper has many spelling and grammatical errors. Paper is challenging to understand. APA format is inconsistent. Page length, font and spacing requirements are inconsistent.
3 points
Paper is mostly free of spelling and grammatical errors. Paper is relatively clear and easy to understand. APA format is properly used, in most instances.
4 points
Only very minor spelling and grammatical errors. Paper is clear and easy to understand. APA format is properly used.
5 points
No grammar, punctuation, spelling or APA formatting errors. Paper fully meets page length, font and spacing requirements.
Score of Formatting, grammar, punctuation and spelling, APA,
/ 5
TotalScore of Individual SWOT/Reflection Assignment,
/ 25

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