Read Parable, pp. 225-329 (Chs. 19-25 This discussion has TWO parts. You will n

Read Parable, pp. 225-329 (Chs. 19-25
This discussion has TWO parts. You will need to complete both parts on time for full credit. NOTE: Please do not post a blank post and then, later, post a completed one. If you do this, I will not give you credit for the post. I want you to write your post without seeing those of your classmates.
Part 1. After you’ve read the pp. 225-329 of Parable of the Sower, respond to BOTH of the following questions (write a paragraph for each):
Why do the people in Lauren’s group have trouble understanding Earthseed? What are their criticisms, misunderstandings, and objections? What does Lauren mean when she says that Earthseed is not about “fixing the world” (276)? If you were in her group, how would you feel about that?
Let’s talk about Bankole and his relationship with Lauren. Some readers (myself included) have difficulty understanding this relationship–especially Lauren’s attraction to him. But the thing about novels is that the characters often do things that we wouldn’t do. So the question is whether we can understand Lauren here. Why do you think she’s attracted to Bankole? How do you think her experiences with grief and trauma might affect her here? Why might this relationship be good/necessary for her? This is not the only Butler novel that contains an intergenerational romantic relationship. What do you think that Butler might be trying to tell us by portraying such relationships?
Part 2. After you’ve posted, reply to TWO posts by classmates. You can respond to your classmate’s response to either #1 or #2 or both. You can share a similar thought, ask questions, or suggest other ideas or perspectives. Regardless, your replies should be friendly and constructive. Each of your replies should be at least 3 sentences. Note: your responses must also be completed by the deadline to receive full credit.

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