Quick tips (especially for first step file):
In general, SNS has short preganglionic/long postganglionic, so any pathway that starts with a short neuron, label ‘SNS’
ParaNS has long preganglionic/short postganglionic, so any pathway that starts with a long neuron, label ‘ParaNS’
All preganglionic release ACh and all postganglionic have nAChR, so add ‘ACh’ and ‘nAChR’ in the space between the two neurons
All ParaNS postganglionic release ACh and all its targets have mAChR, so add ‘ACh’ after the last neuron and ‘mAChR’ above the target organ box
SNS target synaptic details vary, but for now go with (use pencil so you can erase) postganglionic release NE and its targets have AdR, so add ‘NE’ after the last neuron and ‘AdR’ above the target organ box (don’t worry about the specific type of receptor like 1, etc.)
Two exceptions to the SNS pathway are sweat glands and blood vessels; use ‘ACh’ after the last neuron and ‘mAChR’
Another SNS exception is adrenal medulla; because it doesn’t have a postganglionic, it uses ‘ACh’ at the synapse and ‘nAChR’ on the tissue
The target effect is associated with flight/fight and rest/digest, like SNS increases heart activities and ParaNS decreases heart activities; see lesson for ANS impacts on other organs
I suggest everyone go through these bullets one at a time while filling in the worksheet. Be sure to refer back to the lessons about ANS pathways, and also check out the discussion threads associated with this topic.
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