Questions for Written Paper – CHOOSE TWO (2): How did religion influence tradin

Questions for Written Paper – CHOOSE TWO (2):
How did religion influence trading patterns in the Atlantic’s trading systems? For example, what was the role of religious communities in the Indian Ocean trade systems? (Ch. 12)
How did slaves from Africa adapt to their new world? Give examples of what kind of unique cultural forms they produced. (Ch. 13)
Why were Europeans becoming increasingly certain of their superiority over other cultures and how did this sense of superiority manifest itself? (Ch. 14)
How did the industrial revolution challenge ideas about politics, work, gender, the role of government, and social hierarchies? (Ch. 15)
What was the role of the US Supreme Court and of President Andrew Jackson in the Trail of Tears and what are the some legacies/consequences of these actions? (Ch. 16)
*NOTE: Chapters in the textbook are provided for reference, however, in order to answer questions thoroughly, you will need to conduct additional research. Please cite your sources.
Midterm Written Paper Instructions:
Answers should be approximately 2 paragraphs long each, double-spaced. See the following website for instructions on writing an academic paragraph: (Links to an external site.). You may use material from the readings, lectures, videos, or conduct further research on your own to answer the questions questions, but you must support your arguments with evidence. Use legitimate sources, no Wikipedia or non-academic sources. Use proper citations and include a reference page. You may use MLA, APA, or Chicago format, whichever you prefer. Submit your paper through the submission link found in the module.

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