Q1: Embedded Formative Assessment by William CHAPTER 4 Chapter Overview: Chapte

Embedded Formative Assessment by William CHAPTER 4
Chapter Overview:
Chapter 3 was about clarifying and communicating what we want students to learn. Now we need to know where students are in their learning. However, most teachers elicit evidence of student learning on the fly. They plan the activities they will use to engage their students, but not the questions they will use to determine whether students have learned the material sufficiently enough to move on. This chapter helps teachers learn to plan more effective questions (and other alternatives to questions) to ascertain whether individual students as well as the whole class have mastered the material.
Consider Chapter Questions:
What points should educators focus on when assessing what students know?
What points should teachers focus on when generating questions that provide a window into student thinking?
According to the author, what are the only two reasons to ask questions in class? Do these reasons motivate questions you currently ask in your class?
What influence does the “Matthew effect” have on student achievement?
What alternatives to questions can teachers employ to generate good classroom discussions?
Which technique(s) for selecting students at random would work best in your classroom?
What is hot-seat questioning? Is it a viable option for your classroom?
When is the best time to use exit pass questions?
Compare and contrast discussion questions and diagnostic questions. Under what circumstances should they be used?
Do not just summarize the readings; consider the following questions in all four areas to guide your responses & reflections: (Cut/Paste these four questions into your response as paragraph headers)
What are the key ideas or practices shared in the Chapter/Article?
Reflect on possible applications to your present educational setting.
Make connections to other readings, discussions from this class, or other courses that you have taken.
Reflect on the course theme for Week 4-“Focus on Action” and how it could connect to chapter/article content (Be Creative).
Q2: Unpack a StandardD
econstruct (unlock) a Standard of YOUR choice (i.e. from your Unit Plan or for your Lesson Plan) using the “color coding” (Blue=Verbs/Red=Nouns/Green=Context) format reviewed in our Chunk It/Connect It section.
Complete:Download the Chart below. Also, see the sample below as needed.
Cut/Paste Your Standard above the chart.
Find the Action Verb(s) code in Blue. Place each one in a box on the chart
Find the Content Nouns and connecting sentences and code in Red. Place on the chart for each action box. You may cut/paste the same Noun for multiple rows as needed.
Next, find the Context Setting and code in Green. Place on the chart.
Decide the DOK level and use the pull-down menu to select each row with Action/Content/Context.
Submit in Canvas for grading.
Unlocking Standard ChartDownload Unlocking Standard Chart
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