Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review Chapter 1 from your tex

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review Chapter 1 from your textbook. In addition, review the LIB101: Week 1 Civilization Tour interactive.
The purpose of this self-reflection discussion forum is to provide you with an opportunity to explore topics related to the expression of humanity in works of literature, philosophy, theology, art, architecture, or music that interest you. It is also an opportunity to share insights and questions with your peers that have come to mind and discuss any difficulties you may have faced this week, hopefully to find solutions. Your initial posting should describe your experiences in the course this week in a way that can prompt further discussion.
This is a student-centered space, provided for you to engage openly with your colleagues. Your instructor may monitor this space occasionally, but will usually not post to it. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to contact your instructor directly.
To begin, reflect on what you found interesting, surprising, or confusing about the human condition this week. Did you learn anything about past cultural conceptualizations of humanity that caused you to understand an issue or event differently? Have you discovered any study habits or tips that helped you to complete your course work more effectively or efficiently?
In your initial posting, address the following questions:
What struck you in particular about the human condition and the expression of humanity as you explored the course materials this week?
What insights have you had?
What has caused you to struggle or feel confused?
What questions have come up for you at this point?
Do you have any helpful tips that you have picked up in this course or a past one?

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