Preview Occupational health and safety requirements are very important and form

Occupational health and safety requirements are very important and form the core of legislations on health and safety. Every country is now laying more emphasis on maintaining compliance to the regulations in every workplace. Fulfilling these are given a priority to new establishments according to the enactment of legislation amendments of every country.


The sultanate of Oman is planning to improve the economy by considering to start establishing new companies, organizations in different sectors such as manufacturing, construction, engineering etc. While health and safetyregulations, laws, legislations are important to be considered, and the present extent of health and safety legislations in oman are not adequate to enforce. You are required to review and recommend the health and safety legislations, specific regulations that could be necessary to implement in view of the future economic growth of Oman.
From the knowledge and understanding gained from the topics onUN agencies, ILO statutory requirements in the course,prepare a report briefing on the various legislative essentials that are required to be considered in accordance to the ILO statutory instruments. Specify the conventions and recommendations that are specifically needed to be enforced in the organisation. The report should consider the following sections.

Introductory- note on importance of health and safety legal requirements for the future economy.
Statutory- specify with justification the statutory instruments that are essential required to be taken by oman with other neighbouring countries to support the growth of future economy.
Reference- Harvard style
3.ILO- Identify the appropriate conventions and recommendations related to health and safety needed to be enforced.

All your work should be suitably cited and referenced in Harvard style.

Instructions and guidelines

The assignment report should not be written in this document but should be prepared by the student in a separate MS word document.
Submission of the assignment report should be done in Turnitin folder in Eduoasis.
The font style for the report is Times New Roman only with 14’ size for headings and 12’ for text content.
Headings should be capitals (upper case).
The layout of the assignment document is A4, and normal margin 1” or 2.54 cm on all sides.
Text should have line spacing of 1.5’ between line and justified.
Submission should be done as per the given date and time and no late submissions are allowed.
You are required to submit much earlier before the due date to verify the percent of similarity and plagiarism however there is no exact percent of similarity declared.
The assignment should include a title page and content page however these pages should not be numbered.
Weightage will be given to the clarity of information, English language, sentence structuring and critical analysis of content.

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