Please use the following attached documents, ” Leadership and Personality survey

Please use the following attached documents, ” Leadership and Personality surveys.pdf” and “Module 2 Reflection Questions on Surveys” to answer the following questions and complete this assignment. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!
1. Download the Leadership and Personality surveys.pdf
2. Complete the surveys and record your answers for each survey (your type/style).
3. Download the Module 2 Reflection Questions on Surveys
Actions or read instructions below.
4. First list your Transformational and Transactional Score, your MBTI type (e.g., ENTP; list more than one if you are between types) and what your emotional intelligence score is in each of the 5 dimensions as well as your overall emotional intelligence score. Then answer the reflection questions (see below) and press “submit the assignment”
5. You can submit the assignment by attaching a word document (with your last name and assignment name – “leadership and personality survey reflection”) or you can enter the information directly into the text entry box.
6. Click Submit
Reflection Questions to answer regarding surveys:
List your survey results (MBTI, transformational/transactional score, and Emotional Intelligence score).
Are my survey results what I expected?
How are the results the same or different from what I expected?
Seeing these results, are there things I want to improve upon? How can I go about improving on them?
You should minimally write one paragraph (minimum 3-4 sentences) on what information you derived from filling out the surveys. More complete answers are those that reflect some self-introspection on how these personality characteristics manifest in your life. You can refer to some of the information provided in the video lectures as well as on the MBTI information sheets.

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