Please respond to discussion below using Current APA edition and 2 academic (Sch

Please respond to discussion below using Current APA edition and 2 academic (Scholarly) references within 5 years or less. Must be atleast 150 words.
What other subjective data would you obtain?
A vital subjective piece of information that must be gathered from the patient is the length of the excruciating headache. Given the many facets of pain, it is wise to concentrate on the numerous strategies and methods that have been put into practice and are helpful and efficient in the proper treatment of the disease (Satpute et al., 2019). The length of the pain may be related to circumstances that may be indicative of the best therapeutic treatment ways to fully assist and support management and successful approaches. Second, a helpful source of subjective information to gather is the headache’s aggravating elements. According to the patient’s experiences, it is important to concentrate on the problems and elements that either make the pain severe or lessen it (Satpute et al., 2019). It is vital to implement a crucial and efficient protocol in the treatment of the pain based on the protocols and management features. The variables could offer several procedures for quality management and pain-related metrics and techniques. Chronic frequent headaches are when an individual experiences headache for 15 or more days within a month (Diener et al., 2018). The chronic type of headache can be experienced either as migraines, felt like a severe throbbing headache or tension headache, which feels like loud bangs inside the head. Some other essential data obtained from the patient are nausea, sweating, vomiting, and sensitivity to sounds or lights and painful jaws. A strong headache on both sides of the patient’s head is possible.In certain cases, regular headaches are caused by a shift in the level of a specific bodily hormone, such estrogen. Women may get headaches as their estrogen levels rise. It will thus be crucial for this patient’s care to examine the patient in order to get information on such a scenario.
What other objective findings would you look for?
Typically, environmental triggers like stress, coffee use, or unfavorable weather can cause headaches. Additionally, since over-the-counter painkillers can potentially induce recurrent headaches, it’s critical to determine whether the patient is abusing them.The presence of night sweats and trigeminal nerve activation are two additional objective findings that one is likely to examine in a patient. A CT scan of the head and the region where the pain and headache originate are among the objective findings that would be very meaningful. A significant and successful management approach for bolstering the accurate diagnosis is the exposure of the head’s anatomy and other essential components (Satpute et al., 2019). The best and most efficient management measures must be used, according to the diagnostic standards, in order to control the illness. Second, the laboratory data, such as spinal fluid findings suggestive of infections that can interfere with normal body functions. Regarding the headache, checking out idiopathic reasons necessitates that exact laboratory findings be engaged through a good searching strategy to assist and integrate the proper procedures and protocols, which is also important and crucial (Satpute et al., 2019).
What diagnostic exams do you want to order? State your rationale for each supported by academic resources.
In order to determine the reason of the patient’s headaches, certain medical tests would require a review of her medical history, especially around the age of 15. To determine the underlying cause of the headache and recommend appropriate treatments, a physical examination might be performed. If there is no known reason of the headaches, the doctor should provide a pain-relieving medication. In order to assess the patient’s mental health and determine the range of issues that could be causing this type of headache, a physical examination and blood test that includes CBC should be performed. Another diagnostic exam that can be ordered is a spinal fluid test, a cerebral spinal fluid analysis is used to measure different substances in your cerebrospinal fluid.
Name 3 differential diagnoses based on this patient presenting symptoms. Give rationales for each differential diagnosis supported by academic resources.
Chronic, frequent headaches have a variety of headaches and should be diagnosed according to results derived from a patent (Tassorelli et al., 2018). Medical specialists advise that over-the-counter medications are not the best treatments for frequent headaches. The following differential diagnosis can be conducted on the patient:
Muscle contraction tension headache: working heavy tasks may result in frequent headaches brought on by muscular tension. The course of treatment can entail doing simpler exercises that don’t use as many muscles.
Infection: the greatest pain relievers for headaches brought on by meningitis or other diseases are over-the-counter medicines. To avoid the headaches in this situation, the patient might take antidepressants like nortriptyline.
Cerebral Aneurysms: an atypical headache may result from a weak spot inside the wall of a brain artery. The underlying patient’s illness should be the focus of treatment for this issue.
Heavy efforts that tense the muscles in the head and create headaches might set off muscular contraction tension headaches. Different bacterial strains can induce infections, which can then result in bacterial meningitis, which frequently causes excruciating headaches. A weak area inside the aneurysm wall is what causes cerebral aneurysms.
What teachings will you provide?
The first lesson would be to inform medical experts of any warning signs (Netere et al., 2018). Sometimes, the situation may deteriorate and lead to difficulties that call for a competent and successful strategy for handling the difficulties. Another lesson to impart is drug compliance, which can aid in effectively overcoming the difficulties brought on by the headache and other difficulties (Satpute et al., 2019). For the management of the problems and the development of quality and effective health as required, complete dose compliance is required. It is crucial to inform this patient that chronic headaches are linked to worry, sadness, and sleep deprivation. In order to prevent anxiety or stress, the patient should get adequate sleep and stay away from stressful or anxious activities.

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