Please Respond in a paragraph!!!   “Although the exact cause of ADHD has not bee

Please Respond in a paragraph!!!
“Although the exact cause of ADHD has not been fully elucidated, the disorder is most likely caused by a complex interplay of neurologic, biological, and environmental factors” (Adesman, 2001, p. 67). Some known causes of ADHD include deficits in brain structure, Neuronal functioning, connectivity, brain damage, minimal brain dysfunction (MBD), molecular genetic associations, and neurologic factors. Certain student behavior such as inattentiveness, impulsivity, hyperactivity, functional impairments, poor academic outcomes, poor gross-motor behavior, developmental conditions, primarily inattentive, distracted, poor organization and follow-through, primarily hyperactive-impulsive, fidgety, and overly active. “Parents of children with ADHD report having less time to meet their own needs, fewer close friendships, greater peer rejection, less time for family activities, factors which together might lead to less family cohesion and a significant effect on the parents’ emotional health” (National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, 2009, Section 5.6). Teaching students with ADHD require the usage of direct instructions, diverse intervention methods, consistent rules, repeated verbal instructions, use of advance organizers, guided practice, independent practice, charting behavior, and teacher lead-interventions. Benefits of currently used psychosocial interventions model for students with ADHD will result in improvement of academic performance may, reduction in child disruptive behaviors, and helps optimize functional performance. Limitations of currently used models of pharmacologic treatment may cause children to lose appetite, experience abdominal discomfort, headaches, irritability, anxiousness, and have issues sleeping (Dreyer, 2006).
Adesman, A. R. (2001). The diagnosis and management of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in pediatric patients. Primary care companion to the Journal of clinical psychiatry, 3(2), 66.
Dreyer, B. P. (2006). The diagnosis and management of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in preschool children: the state of our knowledge and practice. Current problems in pediatric and adolescent health care, 36(1), 6-30.

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