Please consider the following scenario.. Walter seems to have difficulty reading

Please consider the following scenario..
Walter seems to have difficulty reading and listening during his class lectures. Like many students with learning and psychological impairments, he is sensitive to the attitudes and perceptions of his fellow classmates and instructors regarding his need for a note taker in class and to request a verbal recording of the instructor’s lecture. He is ashamed to announce this need among his classmates and his teacher fearing perceptions of preferential treatment, classmate disbelief, and negative stereotyping (e.g., that he is lazy or stupid). Walter is aware that he needs to obtain lecture notes and asking the professor for permission to audio record lectures to be successful in class. Walter was too embarrassed to make such requests from his classmates and teacher.
Please address the following needs or support for Walter
-Legal aspects of IDEA (Individuals with Learning Disabilities Act) that applies to the student’s case
-Specify at least 3 instruments used to diagnose learning disorders. Discuss why these instruments were chosen to help diagnose Walter’s learning disability
-Utilize the Person-centered approach (Social Psychology) to develop an intervention
-Must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins and typed in 12-point Times New Roman.
-Your Essay should have a Title Page and References Page. –Essays should be proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes.
-You must cite all texts used, including page numbers to avoid plagiarism.
-Your essay must have a thesis statement and conclusion

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