Person 1: Do you have a fever? Person 2: I don’t know, but I feel terrible. Pers

Person 1: Do you have a fever?
Person 2: I don’t know, but I feel terrible.
Person 1: First, let me take your temperature. Okay, don’t worry, you just have a bad cold. Go home to bed and take one of these pills every six hours. You’ll be fine soon.
Person 2: I got it. Thank you.
Person 1: Drink more water and get a good rest.
Person 2: I will. Thanks again.
Dialogue 2:Person 1: Hello, doctor. What’s wrong with you?
Person 2: I have a backache.
Person 1: Do you often suffer from a backache?
Person 2: No, I never had one before.
Person 1: How long does it last for?

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