part 1 Daly chapter 5 Summarize and analyze each of the sections in Chapter 5

part 1 Daly chapter 5
Summarize and analyze each of the sections in Chapter 5
(all work should be single spaced please)
4 sections: Early developments (Do all societies approach learning alike?) / Medieval and Early Modern European natural philosophy (Studying our bodies to understand the world?) / Breakthroughs toward modern science (Technology and science?) / Why Europe? (Sharing knowledge/collaboration/censorship?)
Write 1-2 paragraphs for each section. It is up to you to determine how much summary and/or analysis is required.
Read it first, taking notes. Then think about it and offer your summary/analysis.
part 2 daly’s chapter 6
Summarize and analyze each of the sections in Chapter 6.
3 sections:
Intellectuals (Writing and ideas? Forming groups to discuss?)
Ordinary People (Book learning? Reading the news? Coffeeshops?! Joining organizations?)
Synergies (What is that? Information networks?)
Write 1-2 paragraphs for each section. It is up to you to determine how much summary and/or analysis is required.
Read it first, taking notes. Then think about it and offer your summary/analysis.
Be sure to highlight the most important points. and remember youre response should be historical and contextually
and it will be check on turnitin so be sure to use your own word and send me the report for the turnitin report pls ?

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