Part 1 : Create a scriipt for: Create a 5-minute video in which you demonstrate

Part 1 : Create a scriipt for: Create a 5-minute video in which you demonstrate ONE of the microskills discussed in Week Two. Choose the one you feel most comfortable demonstrating. The video should be professional and demonstrate your ability to record raw data in an effective manner. Students should ensure the room is well-lit, the camera angle is appropriate to capture the therapist and client system, and the sound is sufficient to be heard upon replay.
Provide a brief introduction, explaining what you will be demonstrating and set the scene. Enact a brief vignette demonstrating your skill.
Part 2:
Students will write a 200-word case note, sometimes called a progress note, based upon their microskills demonstration video. Students may select from the DAP or SOAP format in the Gehart chapter. Write the case note as you would a discussion question. For your reply to a classmate, focus on identifying content versus process.

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