(Original Content Only) (600 words) (2 scholarly sources) (APA-in text citations

(Original Content Only) (600 words) (2 scholarly sources) (APA-in text citations)
(Biblical Worldview Analysis attached at the bottom) (Point/Counterpoint Answers are attached at the bottom)
(Review the answers from the Point Counterpoint attachments. Use them as a basis for the answer)
(Make sure to Incorporate Biblical scripture in the answer)
A well-developed, complete worldview analysis of the situation requires more than simply adding a Bible verse at the end of the post. Each thread and each reply must include at least 1 verse from Scripture, quoted and applied as an integral part of the discussion of the applicable issues in the context of a Biblical worldview
1. A key element of torts analysis is the duty of care that a business owes to its customers and other stakeholders. If such a duty exists, a breach of that duty can lead to liability for harm from the business’s actions or products. After reading Chapter 7 on torts, including the Biblical Worldview analyses on pp. 147 (E-book p. 66) and 164 (E-book p. 71), address the question in the Point/Counterpoint on pp. 170-171 (E-book p. 76): Should the
creators of violent media owe a duty of care to victims of crimes based on
violent media?
Consider this question from the perspective of the owners and managers of companies that produce video games or other electronic entertainment (movies, TV, streaming content, music, etc.).
Title your thread “Duty” or “No Duty” to indicate your conclusion.

Posted in Law

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