Objective: To understand how narrative works, whether writing or speech is prese

Objective: To understand how narrative works, whether writing or speech is present or not. In this article, narrative and story (or storytelling) go hand in hand. To grasp the concept of narrative, Abbott breaks his article into sections, pay attention to that.
Guidelines: Abbott’s article will help us in our study of the murals. Abbott brings to our attention the act of narrating (our medium to communicate with others). However, he tells us, communication does not have to have words (speech). Answer the following.
1. What do you make of the section Narrative and time? What’s your answer to the question Abbott poses on page 3: what does narrative do for us?
2. In the section Narrative perception we see a shipwreck; provide a narrative (story) as to what happened to this ship.
3. Quote a line that grasped your attention and tell us why.
4. Provide a picture or image for which you created a story (upload it). Share with us your story.
Read the article by Moore, “On the Signification of Walls” and highlight things of interest. We will come back to this reading later on.
This assignment is worth 5 points but only if you answer all four questions thoroughly. A good comment should consist of at least THIRTY FIVE sentences.

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