Note: 1. Plagiarism check 2. APA 7th Edition 3. Citations & References must 4.

1. Plagiarism check
2. APA 7th Edition
3. Citations & References must
4. Information taken from PPT slides should also be cited with slide numbers.
Lab #4
Answer the following questions for the lab, making sure to answer these DIRECTLY in the space provided. Do not alter the Word document in any way. If this is not followed, there is an automatic mark of zero given.
Use the PowerPoint slides and conduct any internet searches if required. Remember that a great paper will go above and beyond what I am asking with extra examples and references added.
Any external references, including the e-book or slides, must be cited using APA as a guide. Don’t forget to include in-text citations that show me specifically where your reference was used to provide background to your answer(s). Use a separate page at the end of the lab labeled “References” to list your references. If APA is not properly used, marks will be deducted.
Use default paragraph settings and format.
Also, list the answers underneath the question so that I am able to see which question you are answering.
Part 1 (15 points)
When there is a breach of privacy by a covered entity, a resolution agreement is put in place. Describe what a covered entity is, along with two examples, and explain two things that are required to satisfy certain requirements in this agreement.
150 to 250 words
Part 2 (10 points)
Research two examples where there have been cases of protected health information breaches anywhere in the world, and fully explain what happened during each of the examples, providing as much detail as possible, including the financial ramifications (if any).
150 to 250 words
Part 3 (10 points)
Describe what structured and unstructured data is, along with two healthcare-related examples of each.
150 to 250 words
Part 4 (10 points)
Describe what a flowsheet is, and give a practical healthcare example where a flowsheet is used to provide preventative healthcare-related advice for a patient.

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