Module 3 will build on our knowledge of linear programming and to represent larg

Module 3 will build on our knowledge of linear programming and to represent large models efficiently and compactly using index notation. We’ll use multiperiod production planning as a concrete example, but these ideas apply very broadly
Note: In the Lecture 3 – Part 2, I provide a 3-step process for working through formulettes with indices. I believe I need to revise that method to the following for more clarity:
Identify each “for each” statement, covert to a “for all” notation
Plug in values from formulette (e.g., plug in values for indices that take on specific values)
Develop the formulette and solve the equation
Finish by adding summations and/or controlling “uncontrolled” indices
The key distinction is plugging in values earlier in the process. I realize while working through the problems, I was doing this earlier than I initially recommended. Hopefully, this new process simplifies the math and alleviates any confusion.

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