Lesson 2 – Cultural Dress Create a presentation in any format you wish (i.e., Po

Lesson 2 – Cultural Dress
Create a presentation in any format you wish (i.e., PowerPoint, Prezi, YouTube Video, Slide Show, Bulletin Board Display, etc.)Research/Content:
1. Describe the selected garment/personal adornment by answering the following questions:
a) What is it?
b) What material is it typically made out of?
c) How is it used to express an aspect of identity?
d) Where did the custom originate?
e) What age group and gender typically wear the item?
2. Explain different styles of wearing the selected garment/personal adornment. (Tip: you may want to research traditional vs. modern approaches to the garment)
3. Include a list and map of countries/cities/regions where this selected garment/personal adornment is traditionally worn.
4. What values, ideas, norms, and beliefs does this garment/adornment reflect about the culture?
5. Your presentation should be engaging, informative, and concise. An excellent presentation:
➤ includes effective visuals such as images, short video clips, maps/diagrams, animations, etc.
➤ is engaging (asks provocative/controversial questions, uses humor, gets people thinking)
➤ is not too text-heavy
➤ is clear, concise, and to the point
➤ is in the student language
➤ is free of spelling and grammar errors
➤ is neat, organized, and aesthetically pleasing
6. Works cited page with a minimum of 3 references completed in correct APA format.

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