Instructions Follow the instructions and the Grading Rubric. The Learning Reflec

Follow the instructions and the Grading Rubric.
The Learning Reflection Journal is a compilation of weekly learning reflections you’ll independently write about across Weeks 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7. During each of the assigned weeks, you will write two paragraphs, each 300 words in length (i.e., 600 words total). The first paragraph will describe a topic that you found particularly interesting during that week and what made it interesting, and the second paragraph will describe something that you have observed occurring in the real world that exemplified that topic. Only one topic may be recorded in the journal for each assigned week and your observed real-word occurrence must be clearly related to it.
In week 7, these five journal entries will be submitted together, merging these weekly experiences into a single document. The summary document should conclude with an additional two summary paragraphs (500 hundred words in length), integrating your thoughts and insights about the experience.
This assignment needs to follow APA 7th edition format.
Use the following as a checklist.
APA Title Page includes Your name, Psychology Department, American Public University, PSYC221, Instructor’s Name, and date. Each of these items needs to be on a separate line and this information needs to be centered in APA 7th edition format.
Introduction: summarizes the major points to be covered in the paper. The introductory paragraph ends with a well-developed topic sentence.
Following the introduction are Weeks 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7. Each week is at least 600 words in two paragraphs. The first paragraph describes a topic that you found interesting during that week and what made it interesting. The second paragraph describes something that you have observed occurring in the real world that exemplified that topic. This will be the body of the paper. Weeks 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 need to be at least 3000 words (600 words per week Xs 5 weeks).
Add an overall conclusion of two summary paragraphs. The conclusion needs to be at least 500 words that synthesize the weekly reflections as well as summarize observations and experiences.
Add at least 2 references in APA 7th edition format.

*** You can choose from either choice listed below from each week. Only one topic of interest is needed. I wanted to list more than one option.
Week 2. (Choice #1) I found Erikson’s emphasized on how the environment plays a major role in personality development interesting.
(Choice #2) I found Freud’s view of the ego and how it utilizes a range of defense mechanisms in order to handle the conflicts of life interesting.
Week 3. (Choice #1) I found B.F Skinners view of operant conditioning positive versus negative reinforcement and negative reinforcement versus punishment interesting.
(Choice #2) Ivan Pavlov views of classical conditioning interesting
Week 5. (Choice #1) Carl Rogers humanistic theory of personality development interesting
(Choice #2) I found the definition of positive psychology interesting. Positive psychology focuses on enhancing the functioning of human beings from the standpoint of mental wellness, not mental illness.
Week 6. (Choice #1) I found Alice Eagly social role theory interesting and how the social behavior we see in people is rooted in social roles including gender role.
(Choice #2) I found how cultural plays a major role in providing a framework for learning sexual behaviors interesting.
Week 7. (Choice #1) I found Evolutionary psychologists beliefs that love is different for males and females interesting.
(Choice #2)I found Anthropologist named Ralph Linton and his book The Cultural Background of Personality interesting. In this book, he states that certain aspects of the personality are rooted in biology; however, he noted that personality is chiefly shaped in the process of childrearing and later in new cultural models.

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