Instructions For this assignment, compare and contrast the concepts of 1) drug

For this assignment, compare and contrast the concepts of 1) drug testing and 2) workplace safety.
In your analysis, you need to consider following questions:
A workplace needs to maintain safety standards and promote wellness and fitness for duty in its employees; does this make random drug testing acceptable? Why or why not?
How would you address stigma and fears attached to use of mandatory drug testing?
How can drug testing be conducted fairly and ethically in order to maintain workplace safety and fair process for employees?
How does company management ensure consistent practices for workplace safety related to preventing and stopping workplace substance use?
What steps could be taken to get buy-in from all constituents (employees, supervisors, HR, management, etc.) to support workplace safety and drug free workplace policies?
How could drug testing apply to the case example you chose for the module discussion? Consider its use from a workplace safety and treatment monitoring view point. Note: This last question goes with Katie her is Katie’s case:
The medical evaluation shows that, overall, Katie is overall in good health with no specific medical illness. Certain liver enzymes from her lab work are elevated, likely due to her continual substance use. She is reporting lack of energy, chronic tension, and episodes of anxiety.
She attributes these symptoms to external factors: spouse, caring for young children, her demanding job, and ambition to eventually become a partner in the law firm. Her drug screen from her medical evaluation is positive for opioids and benzodiazepines, and she has no current prescription for either from her physician, does not see a pain management specialist, and is not seeing a psychiatric practitioner. She does not see a link between those symptoms and her substance use, and instead believes these drugs help her increase her energy, and reduces her anxiety, and tension allowing her to do her job and care for her children.
There is a referral to further evaluate and rule out substance use and mental health disorder. Thus she is referred for a mental health and substance use evaluation. Katie does not believe she can attend the local program given her professional and social status, however the employer requires that she seek treatment as a condition of employment and contacts the State Bar Lawyer Assistance Committee. The Committee refers Katie to a private practice program that specializes in assessing and treating attorneys, healthcare providers, and mental health professionals with substance use and mental health disorders. She is evaluated and receives diagnoses of a 1) sedative use disorder, 2) opioid use disorder, 3) substance and/or medication induced anxiety disorder and 4) depressive disorder with moderate severity. She is now attending outpatient therapy 3 evenings per week, including group and individual sessions. She is not taking any medications.
Katie is very concerned that her career and advancement will be impacted by her diagnosis and treatment. She is also concerned that her professional reputation as a respected attorney will be besmirched and clients will find out and not want to work with her. She still does not consider her substance use the problem, is reluctant to attend individual and weekly group sessions, and does not want to be subject to regular drug screens; however, she is under mandate due to her employer’s requirement to attend treatment and show job improvement. She is also now being monitored by the State Bar Lawyer’s Impairment Committee, although she is not formally required to attend treatment, it has been informally recommended since any further concerns about her legal ability could result in suspension from practice.
Note: “Buy-in” is an agreement among all key players or constituents, such as broad acceptance of and agreement to comply with a drug free policy. This includes employees, a union, influential employee leaders (who can get others to follow their lead), line supervisors, middle and upper management, etc.

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