Independently prepare a Professional Learning Plan for understanding school cu

Independently prepare a Professional Learning Plan for understanding school culture/climate for the school leadership team.
Use the  Learning Forward and Shaping the School Culture resources to assist with these tasks.
Task 1:
Develop a survey to assess collective teacher efficacy and a plan for using results. 
Task 2:
Develop an assessment tool for teachers to assess their classroom climate/culture.
Task 3: As a result of our reading of professional articles and viewing of videos focusing on culture and climate, please complete the reflection.
Task 4
Develop a schoolwide Culture/Climate action plan. Be sure to include strategies that correct toxic classroom climate/culture.
Part One – Complete the school Culture/Climate Action Plan (see attached)
 Submit the Word document and Digital presentation to be presented to your leadership team or faculty/staff. 
Part Two – Your digital presentation format is optional (PowerPoint, Prezi, or other)
Prepare (draft) parts one and two NOW and submit the final products in Module 4.
NOTE:  Current administrators may share their current plan and share evidence of implementation.
Aspiring administrators will create their proposed plans. 
Task 1 – Self -Efficacy
Task 1:
Develop a survey to assess collective teacher efficacy and a plan for using results.
Include 10-15 statements/questions
Complete and submit as a Word Document and upload as an assignment/task.
Task 2 – Classroom Culture and Climate
Task 2:
Develop an assessment tool for teachers to assess their classroom culture/climate.
Include 10-15 statements/questions for teachers to complete.
Create as a Word Document and upload as an assignment/task.
Task (Part One – Action Plan)
Task 4
Develop a schoolwide Culture/Climate action plan. Be sure to include strategies that correct toxic classroom climate/culture.
Complete the school Culture/Climate Action Plan (see attached)
Task 4 – Part Two – Digital Presentation
Task 4
Develop a schoolwide Culture/Climate action plan. Be sure to include strategies that correct toxic classroom climate/culture.
Complete the school Culture/Climate Action Plan (see attached)

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