In Topic 3, you identified three sources to support a discussion of the integrat

In Topic 3, you identified three sources to support a discussion of the integration of servant leadership, ethics, and entrepreneurism as they relate to the industry with which you are familiar.
Download and review the “Three Pillars and Future Impact” essay example found directly below the assignment instructions under “Attachments” for guidance on completing this assignment. Note: You must download this example essay, “Three Pillars and Future Impact,” not just view it in your browser, in order to view all of the information in the document.
Write a 750-1,000-word essay describing your vision for your career once you have completed your master’s degree. In this paper, address the following:
How will each of the three pillars—servant leadership, ethics, and entrepreneurism— be integrated and impact your business practice in the future?
How will the three pillars enable you to contribute to the greater social good in your industry and within the community? Support your response with at least one peer-reviewed journal.
This assignment requires a minimum of four peer-reviewed journal articles published within the past 5 years, which may include the three articles from the Topic 3 Annotated Bibliography assignment.

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