In order to print your Capstone Project poster in enough time for the Residency

In order to print your Capstone Project poster in enough time for the Residency Week in Doha, you are required to turn in your poster by July 18, 2023. The poster will not be graded until the Residency Week, when you have the opportunity to answer questions about your project from attendees to the gallery walk.

Poster Assignment Prompt attached
Each student will be required to deliver a Capstone Poster Presentation during the Capstone Residency. Each student should develop graphics (as many as you think are necessary but I recommend at least 3 to 4), which can be printed on poster board, and form the foundation for an engaging 3-5-minute presentation on their Capstone Project.
Students will be arrayed in a gallery walk around a room and faculty and staff will form a roving audience that will visit each students’ station and listen to their presentations. A poster is a visual thing so please do not just place a bunch of text on your poster. See the examples we have provided for guidance.
The dimensions of the poster should be 3X4 and arrayed in Landscape mode.
You can use any software to make the poster including PowerPoint but be sure not to use exotic fonts (may not be able to print them if you do) and be sure to save the file as a PDF file to upload to a Dropbox in Canvas.
Final Poster Presentations will be delivered at a showcase Gallery Walk during residency week. EDM faculty and other SCS faculty and staff, as well as other students, EDM alumni, and industry partners will be invited to the Gallery Walk Event.
Again, the poster will be printed 3ft by 4ft in Landscape mode.

Examples attached. Please note that the examples have way too much text on most of the poster, so please don’t put that much text on your poster.

Resources to assist with preparing your Capstone Project briefing and poster presentation during the Residency Week: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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