Important Note: You can find the exact answer to both of the first questions if

Important Note: You can find the exact answer to both of the first questions if you simply read the corresponding chapter.
Answer one of the discussion questions and reply to one of your classmates’ postings. Be concise and direct. Your answer must be 5-7 sentences. Your responses must relate to chapter 7 (include a citation with its page number) and follow the points bellow:
Explain how the issue/topic affects one of the minority groups.
Be focused on the issues of race and ethnicity and its construction and ramifications.
Discussion questions: Choose one
Identify at least one way whiteness informs your major field of study or one of the classes in which you currently are enrolled. Explain precisely how racial domination is normalized; offer at least one consequence of this normalization; and advance at least one suggestion for how whiteness might be effectively confronted.
Research a college affirmative action policy. What is this institution’s stance with respect to using race as a criterion in admissions? Explain why you support or disagree with this institution’s policy. Be sure to justify your argument by drawing on what you learned in this chapter about affirmative action.
Schools to prison pipeline is a term used to express how a school’s punitive disciplinary system is the beginning of black of Hispanic student’s life being demarcated by the carceral system. Offer and explain an alternative more restorative option to deal with school discipline. I believe in restoration, not incarceration. Do you?

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