Identify your personality type. Are you an ISTJ, an ESTP, etc.? Review th

Identify your personality type. Are you an ISTJ, an ESTP, etc.? Review the description of your personality type on the Myers & Briggs Foundation’s The 16 MBTI® TypesLinks to an external site. webpage. 
Explain whether you feel the results of the TypeFocus Assessment accurately describe your personality type.
Identify the career or position you wish to pursue after graduation. 
Identify your top three interests from the TypeFocus results. Your response should include a combination of interests from the Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, or Conventional areas. Explain how the responsibilities of your selected career or position are aligned with the interests identified for you by the TypeFocus assessment.
Identify your top three values from the TypeFocus results. Your response should include a combination of values from the Achievement, Independence, Recognition, Relationships, Support, or Working Conditions areas. Explain how the responsibilities of your selected career or position are aligned with the values identified for you by the TypeFocus assessment.

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