Identify whether the statement provides a mentalistic or a behavioristic explana

Identify whether the statement provides a mentalistic or a behavioristic explanation for a behavior for the 10 phrases or sentences provided in the template.
Write a summary explaining the reasoning behind your choices. You are not required to provide an individual explanation for each statement.
Provide a behavioristic explanation as an alternative for each of the mentalistic explanations you identify.
Analyze how the behavioristic approach is different from most other psychology fields.How does a behavior analytic approach differ from the other fields of psychology?
How would a mentalistic approach inform one’s practice?
How would a behavior analytic approach inform one’s practice?
The 10 statements can be found in the Mentalism and Radical Behaviorism Template document, but the submitted paper must be compliant with 7th Edition APA.
Additional Requirements
Your assignment should also meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines. Review the Evidence and APA section of the Writing Center for more information on how to cite your sources.
Resources: 1–2 scholarly or professional resources.
Length: 2–3 double-spaced pages, in addition to the title page and references page.
Refer to the MS in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Research GuideLinks to an external site. for help finding resources.
Refer to the Mentalism and Radical Behaviorism rubric to ensure you understand the grading criteria for this assignment.
View Rubric
Week 1 Assignment 1 – Mentalism and Radical Behaviorism
Week 1 Assignment 1 – Mentalism and Radical Behaviorism
Identify correctly eight or nine of the statements as either mentalistic or behavioristic.view longer description
14 to >11.9 pts
Identifies correctly all 10 of the statements as either mentalistic or behavioristic.11.9 to >9.8 pts
Identifies correctly eight or nine of the statements as either mentalistic or behavioristic.9.8 to >0 pts
Identifies correctly fewer than eight of the statements as either mentalistic or behavioristic.0 pts
Does not identify whether the statements are mentalistic or behavioristic./ 14 pts
Justify the reasons for the explanations of behaviors chosen.
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14 to >11.9 pts
Justifies the reasons for the explanations of behaviors chosen and provides support from the textbooks.11.9 to >9.8 pts
Justifies the reasons for the explanations of behaviors chosen.9.8 to >0 pts
Attempts to justify the reasons for the explanations of behaviors chosen, but the information is inaccurate or incomplete.0 pts
Does not justify the reasons for the explanations of behaviors chosen./ 14 pts
Describe alternative behavioristic explanations for the mentalistic statements.
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13 to >11.05 pts
Describes and justifies alternative behavioristic explanations for the mentalistic statements.11.05 to >9.1 pts
Describes alternative behavioristic explanations for the mentalistic statements.9.1 to >0 pts
Attempts to describe alternative behavioristic explanations for the mentalistic statements, but the explanations are inaccurate or incomplete.0 pts
Does not describe alternative behavioristic explanations for the mentalistic statements./ 13 pts
Analyze how the behavior analytic approach is different from most other psychology fields.
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13 to >11.05 pts
Analyzes how the behavior analytic approach is different from most other psychology fields using ABA terminology.11.05 to >9.1 pts
Analyzes how the behavior analytic approach is different from most other psychology fields.9.1 to >0 pts
Briefly explains how the behavior analytic approach is different from most other psychology fields, but provides little or no analysis.0 pts
Does not explain how the behavior analytic approach is different from most other psychology fields./ 13 pts
Explain how a mentalistic approach informs one¿s practice.
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13 to >11.05 pts
Explains and provides examples of how a mentalistic approach informs one¿s practice.11.05 to >9.1 pts
Explains how a mentalistic approach informs one¿s practice.9.1 to >0 pts
Partially explains how a mentalistic approach informs one¿s practice, but the explanation is inaccurate or incomplete.0 pts
Does not explain how a mentalistic approach informs one¿s practice./ 13 pts
Explain how a behavior analytic approach informs one¿s practice.
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13 to >11.05 pts
Explains and provides examples of how a behavior analytic approach informs one¿s practice.11.05 to >9.1 pts
Explains how a behavior analytic approach informs one¿s practice.9.1 to >0 pts
Partially explains how a behavior analytic approach informs one¿s practice, but the explanation is inaccurate or incomplete.0 pts
Does not explain how a behavior analytic approach informs one¿s practice./ 13 pts
Demonstrate an academic writing style through well-organized prose that follows assignment guidelines.
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10 to >8.5 pts
Demonstrates an academic writing style through well-organized prose that contains no significant grammatical or mechanical errors and follows assignment guidelines.8.5 to >7 pts
Demonstrates an academic writing style through well-organized prose that follows assignment guidelines.7 to >0 pts
Demonstrates minimally acceptable writing style, but still has instances of disorganization, grammatical or mechanical errors, or does not follow all assignment guidelines.0 pts
Does not demonstrate an academic writing style./ 10 pts
Demonstrate compliance with APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.
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10 to >8.5 pts
Develops a paper that is fully compliant with APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.8.5 to >7 pts
Demonstrates compliance with APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.7 to >0 pts
Demonstrates minimally acceptable compliance with APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.0 pts
Does not demonstrate compliance with APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines./ 10 pts

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