I need help with a 3000 word assignment. The assignment brief is attached below.

I need help with a 3000 word assignment. The assignment brief is attached below. The references style is Harvard. Please the work should not be plagiarised. Please read and impleimplement the note i attached below.
-Choose a multi national or global company (Stay away from obvious companies eg companies that are known)..
Choose a global company and analyse the business strategy
10% words is needed in the introduction
10% words goes to the conclusion
The introduction should be a brief background of the chosen company focusing on the
*Company (brief history)
*line of operation
*Number of staff
*Number of countries they operate
*The company turnover
*Aim of the assignment
-Company website ( intex citation)
Then use the 5 posters forces such as
*Competition in the industry
*potential of new entrants in the country
*power of supplier
*power of customers
*Threat of substitute products
-Analyse and apply to your chosen company and country (700 words)
-Draw and label diagram of the 5 forces and analyse the competitive structure Accessing each force… And what impact do they have on my chosen country!

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