I attached the template to use for the personal recommendation memorandum calle

 I attached the template to use for the personal recommendation memorandum called Department of the Army Letterhead please follow the AR 25-50 on how the spacing is  
I would suggest that you start by writing a memorandum for record (MFR) that includes the following information:
The name of the officer you are recommending.
The reason why you are recommending them.
A brief summary of their qualifications.
A brief summary of their accomplishments.
Any other information that you think is relevant.
You can then use this MFR as the basis for your memorandum recommending CPT Steven Higgins for the Army Congressional Fellowship.
1.  Purpose:  The purpose of this assignment is for students to generate a recommendation memorandum on behalf of their brigade commander in a clear, concise format. This memorandum will reinforce effective communications and their ability to utilize the HRC website. 
2.  Requirements:
     a.  Students must write memorandum recommending CPT Steven Higgins, the Operations Officer for HHC, 130th Engineer Brigade, for the Army Congressional Fellowship.
     b.  The memorandum must be no more than one full page in length.
     c.  The memorandum must detail why the individual is qualified for selection for the broadening opportunity. 
3.  The memorandum must be submitted in accordance with the assignment review cycle,
Reference: AR 25-50; DA Letterhead Instructions 
     BOP Catalog 2023
General Information for Personal Recommendation Memo:
CPT Higgins is assigned to 130th Engineer Brigade, 8th Theater Sustainment Command, Schofield Barracks, HI 96786-3730. Your Brigade Commander is Ted Lasso, COL, Engineer, Commanding (hint, COL in CDRs signature block, office symbol is “APTS-ENG-CO”).
Use the message with regard to the Army Congressional Fellowship (http://www.hrc.army.mil/bop).
Memorandum format is highlighted in the Broadening Opportunity Programs (B.O.P.), use catalog 2023.
Utilize the attributes within the B.O.P. Catalog that are outlined when crafting your response.  
CPT Higgins was previously the Sapper Company Commander. He is now currently assigned as the Operations Officer.
CPT Higgins has received 4 out of 5 Most Qualified OERs, scored 500+ on every ACFT he has taken and was recently rated the best CPT in the brigade while serving as the Sapper Company Commander.
KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE and what they want!
Writing in Active Voice does not mean you are writing in incomplete sentences.  
Avoid being “too poetic”, remember clear and concise.
You are “ghost writing” for your brigade commander, think third person. 
You are the Brigade Strength Manager for this organization.
Use the official letter head found on apd.army.mil.
Reference: AR 25-50; DA Letterhead Instructions; B.O.P. 2023 Catalog (I am adding as PDF it will be the 2024 BOP Catalog Chapter 4 Army Congressional Fellowship, page 6)
2023 BOP Catalog
Reference: AR 25-50; DA Letterhead Instructions

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