I am working on my term paper for Strategic Management and i need a 4 page essay

I am working on my term paper for Strategic Management and i need a 4 page essay of the following financial analysis. It is a group project so i am supposed to write the part of a little introduction and the follwing
The core of the assignment was an evaluation of sustainable competitive advantage.
Your assessment of the basis of Competitive Advantage in the sector being disrupted was
The whole question is listed below
Groups must prepare an executive case summary of three major publicly-traded firms in a sector that is being disrupted. The assessment must be based on the annual reports of the three firms, augmented by material from credible business sources. Trend analysis must consider at least three years of financial reporting, and preferably five years, and all three firms are to be considered in this analysis. Remember to assess what competitive advantage looks like in that sector; whether any of the firms has such an advantage; and whether you are confident that it can be sustained.
As highlighted in the syllabus, and repeatedly stressed in the live sessions, lack of numerical analysis in the main discussion, and specifically the calculation of ROIC or a preferred alternative, will result in an automatic failure of the assignment.
Given that grading rubric, here is the feedback on your submission:
The core of the assignment was an evaluation of sustainable competitive advantage.
Your assessment of the basis of Competitive Advantage in the sector being disrupted was
Your inclusion of financial analysis in this evaluation was

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