Please read the a

Why Empathetic Leadership Is the Most Effective Leadership Style

Please read the article below on why management should display empathy towards
their talent;

Why Empathetic Leadership Is the Most Effective Leadership Style

(You are not limited to using this article – searching online with the keywords
“Empathetic Leadership” will provide thousands or results).
The OCC Online Library is an excellent source to utilize for all papers. The website is:
Assignment Grading Criteria Assignment
Memo Format with min. two Sources 10
Two infographics (one created by the student) 10
Arguments for and against emphasis on
Empathy in the workplace
Taking a consulting role — How can you
convince upper-management to emphasize
Empathy when they learned leadership skills
in a different era?
How do you implement an Empathetic-mindset
with your leadership team at work?

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