Review the Module and answer

Secondary Transition: Interagency Collaboration

Review the Module and answer the Assessment Questions
1. Define the terms secondary transition and interagency collaboration.
2.Why is it important for schools to have a designated transition coordinator? List at least three of their responsibilities and explain how it might be difficult for a special education teacher to do them while also teaching during a typical school day.
3.Why is it important for school personnel to collaborate with other agency personnel to support transition for all students with disabilities?
4.List and describe the four stages of developing interagency collaboration.
5.Recall Marie from the Challenge. Marie has an intellectual disability and wants to attend college. Based on what you have learned from this module:
Identify two agencies the transition coordinator, along with Marie and her family, might collaborate with during the transition planning process.
a. Describe the types of supports these agencies can provide for Marie.
b. What would the transition coordinator’s role be?

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