Hicok’s “O my pa-pa” and Waite’s “The Kind of Man I Am at the DMV” Hicok’s title

Hicok’s “O my pa-pa” and Waite’s “The Kind of Man I Am at the DMV”
Hicok’s title is an allusion to Eddie Fisher’s “Oh! My Papa” (1954). Give it a listen.Why might Hicok choose the phrase for the title of his poem?
Have the fathers literally “formed a poetry workshop” (1)? How is this analogy important to the poem as a whole?
Do you buy that “men need [distance] in their love” (48)? In other words, is this “need” essential? Something else?
Explain “the failure of gender’s tidy little / story about itself” (5-6).
Toward the end of the poem Waite’s speaker finds something like contentment in resolving, “That boy is a girl” (34). Why?
How did you make sense of the speaker as regards sex and gender? What details led you to your interpretation?Does the speaker’s exact combination of sex and gender matter?
Why might Waite note a specifically “Midwest” sun? Post a unique image that reflects your answer.
Pose a lingering and/or burning question. This is an opportunity to ensure that my responses to you are as helpful as possible.
“The Latin Deli,” “Heaven,” “Postcard from Kashmir,” and “Escape from the Old Country”
What commonalities do the Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and Mexicans share? POST an image that reflects your answer.
Who is the “He” in the first line of Song’s poem?
What is the significance of the term “Gold Mountain?”How do you interpret the poem’s last line: “you can see all the way to heaven” (63)?
What does Ali mean by “a giant negative, black / and white, still undeveloped” (13-14)?
What might Su mean by “Here in America, / no one escapes” (25-6)?
Pose a lingering and/or burning question. This is an opportunity to ensure that my responses to you are as helpful as possible.

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