Guidelines: Initial post: Must be at least 800-1000 words (1 pg)– cite in-text

Guidelines: Initial post: Must be at least 800-1000 words (1 pg)– cite in-text material (APA), proof read all work.
Provide a short answer to the following prompts. Make sure to answer each one to earn full credit.
Online Reading and PDF (ONR)
This week you are composing your formal analytical report. For this discussion, please review the following published report for its relevant content to technical writing/communication and even your major/discipline (my major is multidisciplinary studies = focusing on mental health).
For this discussion, read The Table of Contents and the Introduction; then, select a section that you find interesting and discuss what you have learned.
Office of Educational Technology: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning: Insights and Recommendations (May 2023).
After reading the report, focus on one section and analyze the information. Use evidence from the text and use APA style to cite the material to answer the following prompts.
• What did you find significant about AI and the future of teaching and learning?
• How is this report relevant to your major/field/discipline?
• Could you talk about one aspect of the report that caught your attention the most? Why?

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