Grade an Outline Community Review For this assignment, you will need to read eac

Grade an Outline Community Review
For this assignment, you will need to read each of the graded and annotated outline examples (with scored rubrics), read the ungraded outline example, and score the outline with the attached rubric to share your response with your writing community via the discussion. Then, you will choose a peer’s response from your writing community and conduct a review.
Assignment Instructions
1.Post your review to the discussion:
a.Read all four graded outlines and review the rubrics.
b.Read the ungraded outline
c.Grade the ungraded outline while consulting the rubric below the response. Determine a proficiency level for each area.
d.Create a thread in the Grade an Outline Community Review Discussion Forum that indicates the total score you would give this outline out of 10 points. Next, indicate the proficiency level you would score the outline in each of the four areas (thesis, support, organization, and grammar), and justify your score.
2.Review a peer’s Argumentative Review Sheet in the discussion. Choose a peer who has not yet been reviewed.
a.As soon as you have chosen a peer to review, submit a reply that states “taken” so that multiple students do not review the same response.
b.Develop your response to your peer’s review by focusing on each of these talking points:
§Which rubric sections were scored the same in your review?
§Which rubric sections were scored differently in your review, and why?
§How similar or different was your overall grade for the essay, and why did you score it that way?
3.Submit your response as a reply to his or her original discussion post. Be sure to address all of the items listed above.
Prompt A:
Should children under the age of 14 be allowed on Facebook? Why, or why not?
Thesis: Children under the age of 14 should not be allowed on Facebook due to the harmful things on the internet, at that early age they should concentrate on being kids.
Topic sentence 1: On line bullying is a big thing on the Internet and can damage a lot of people, at the age of 14 no kid needs to go through that experience.
Topic sentence 2: School is more important than facebook. Once a child gets on facebook it will distract the child from doing important things like school work, and that is not a good sign.
Topic sentence 3: When you wait and have patience for things you want, they usually come at the right time. So children under 14 do not need to rush to get a Facebook, they will enjoy it better as adults and be a lot safer with it.
PL4 2.5 (25.00%) points
Explicit thesis is exceptionally worded, original, and thought-provoking. Thesis reveals a creative perspective on the topic at hand.
PL3 2 (20.00%) points
Explicit thesis is original and thought-provoking.
PL2 1.75 (17.50%) points
Thesis is explicitly stated and satisfies the objective of the assignment.
PL1 0 (0.00%) points
Thesis is missing (or) unclear (or) an announcement of topic (or) does not address the assignment.
PL4 2.5 (25.00%) points
Support for thesis is soundly based on the best possible details/evidence/examples that seamlessly aggregate to illustrate a single unified idea. Development of support reveals a deep and intense grappling with ideas.
PL3 2 (20.00%) points
Details/evidence/ examples clearly support the thesis in a logical way that persuades or informs the reader.
PL2 1.75 (17.50%) points
Details/evidence/examples are adequate and related to thesis.
PL1 0 (0.00%) points
Details/evidence/examples are too similar (and/or) inadequate (and/or) weak (and/or) unrelated to thesis.
PL4 2.5 (25.00%) points
The organization of the outline reveals the logical analysis and synthesis of a given topic through effortless transitions and thoughtful division of ideas into sections.
PL3 2 (20.00%) points
The organization of the outline reveals a structured analysis of a given topic through the use of appropriate transitions and sections. The outline has a logical flow of ideas.
PL2 1.75 (17.50%) points
A clear pattern of organization is evident through the use of sections and appropriate transition words and phrases.
PL1 0 (0.00%) points
Outline shows little to no discernible pattern of organization. Ideas are not logically connected by any obvious means.
PL4 2.5 (25.00%) points
No usage errors or sentence structure errors. Strong evidence of advanced diction. No clichés, weak words, slang, or contractions.
PL3 2 (20.00%) points
Minor errors. Some evidence of advanced diction. Writer avoids clichés, weak words, slang, and contractions.
PL2 1.75 (17.50%) points
Errors begin to affect readability. Writer uses mostly appropriate diction with minor use of clichés, weak words, slang, and contractions.
PL1 0 (0.00%) points
Multiple errors severely affect readability and/or overuse of clichés, weak words, slang, contractions, or other informal language.
Total the points for each area (Thesis, Support, Organization, Grammar).
PL1 = 0 points
PL2= 1.75 points
PL3= 2 points
PL4= 2.5 points
(PL stands for Proficiency Level.)
Prompt B:
1. Should teachers be allowed to use fictional texts that include controversial material in the public school classroom? Why, or why not?
Thesis: Teachers should be allowed to use fictional texts that include controversial material in the public school classroom.[DC1]
Topic Sentence 1: Fictional texts should be included in public school classrooms to spark discussions that raise students critical thinking.
Topic Sentence 2: Fictional texts should be included [DC2] in public school classrooms to allow teachers insight [DC3] into a student’s thinking process in order to teach to the student in a way that is meaningful to that student.
Topic Sentence 3: Fictional texts should be included in public school classrooms to spark creativity and to teach students that, while their opinions may differ, each student should be accepted for his input into the discussion. At the end of the day, we are all humans with differing opinions, upbringings, and environments. We need to be inclusive rather than just accepting those that agree with us. We can agree to disagree and still [DC4] be friends.
PL4 2.5 (25.00%) points
Explicit thesis is exceptionally worded, original, and thought-provoking. Thesis reveals a creative perspective on the topic at hand.
PL3 2 (20.00%) points
Explicit thesis is original and thought-provoking.
PL2 1.75 (17.50%) points
Thesis is explicitly stated and satisfies the objective of the assignment.
PL1 0 (0.00%) points
Thesis is missing (or) unclear (or) an announcement of topic (or) does not address the assignment.
PL4 2.5 (25.00%) points
Support for thesis is soundly based on the best possible details/evidence/examples that seamlessly aggregate to illustrate a single unified idea. Development of support reveals a deep and intense grappling with ideas.
PL3 2 (20.00%) points
Details/evidence/ examples clearly support the thesis in a logical way that persuades or informs the reader.
PL2 1.75 (17.50%) points
Details/evidence/examples are adequate and related to thesis.
PL1 0 (0.00%) points
Details/evidence/examples are too similar (and/or) inadequate (and/or) weak (and/or) unrelated to thesis.
PL4 2.5 (25.00%) points
The organization of the outline reveals the logical analysis and synthesis of a given topic through effortless transitions and thoughtful division of ideas into sections.
PL3 2 (20.00%) points
The organization of the outline reveals a structured analysis of a given topic through the use of appropriate transitions and sections. The outline has a logical flow of ideas.
PL2 1.75 (17.50%) points
A clear pattern of organization is evident through the use of sections and appropriate transition words and phrases.
PL1 0 (0.00%) points
Outline shows little to no discernible pattern of organization. Ideas are not logically connected by any obvious means.
PL4 2.5 (25.00%) points
No usage errors or sentence structure errors. Strong evidence of advanced diction. No clichés, weak words, slang, or contractions.
PL3 2 (20.00%) points
Minor errors. Some evidence of advanced diction. Writer avoids clichés, weak words, slang, and contractions.
PL2 1.75 (17.50%) points
Errors begin to affect readability. Writer uses mostly appropriate diction with minor use of clichés, weak words, slang, and contractions.
PL1 0 (0.00%) points
Multiple errors severely affect readability and/or overuse of clichés, weak words, slang, contractions, or other informal language.
Score= 8.75 out of 10
[DC1]Thesis is rather generic and lacks forecast
[DC2]Repetitive phrasing
There is a sense of organization, but the student does not show the flow of what would become an essay. The response lacks any transitions.
[DC3]Support found in each topic sentence is relevant and interconnected, yet not repetitive.
[DC4]There are no major sentence structure or grammar errors in this response.
Prompt C:
Should children under the age of 14 be allowed on Facebook? Why, or why not?
Thesis: Children under the age of 14 should not be allowed on Facebook due to their immaturity at such a young age.[DC1]
Topic sentence 1: Cyber bullying is a huge problem in our world for young children, b[DC2] y keeping children off of social media w[DC3] e could drastically reduce those numbers.
Topic sentence 2: Children under the age of 14 could become easily vulnerable [DC4] to child predators since they are young and naive.
Topic sentence 3: Not only [DC5] are many kids under the age of 14 vulnerable, but they also do not have the maturity to manage their time on social media. [DC6]
PL4 2.5 (25.00%) points
Explicit thesis is exceptionally worded, original, and thought-provoking. Thesis reveals a creative perspective on the topic at hand.
PL3 2 (20.00%) points
Explicit thesis is original and thought-provoking.
PL2 1.75 (17.50%) points
Thesis is explicitly stated and satisfies the objective of the assignment.
PL1 0 (0.00%) points
Thesis is missing (or) unclear (or) an announcement of topic (or) does not address the assignment.
PL4 2.5 (25.00%) points
Support for thesis is soundly based on the best possible details/evidence/examples that seamlessly aggregate to illustrate a single unified idea. Development of support reveals a deep and intense grappling with ideas.
PL3 2 (20.00%) points
Details/evidence/ examples clearly support the thesis in a logical way that persuades or informs the reader.
PL2 1.75 (17.50%) points
Details/evidence/examples are adequate and related to thesis.
PL1 0 (0.00%) points
Details/evidence/examples are too similar (and/or) inadequate (and/or) weak (and/or) unrelated to thesis.
PL4 2.5 (25.00%) points
The organization of the outline reveals the logical analysis and synthesis of a given topic through effortless transitions and thoughtful division of ideas into sections.
PL3 2 (20.00%) points
The organization of the outline reveals a structured analysis of a given topic through the use of appropriate transitions and sections. The outline has a logical flow of ideas.
PL2 1.75 (17.50%) points
A clear pattern of organization is evident through the use of sections and appropriate transition words and phrases.
PL1 0 (0.00%) points
Outline shows little to no discernible pattern of organization. Ideas are not logically connected by any obvious means.
PL4 2.5 (25.00%) points
No usage errors or sentence structure errors. Strong evidence of advanced diction. No clichés, weak words, slang, or contractions.
PL3 2 (20.00%) points
Minor errors. Some evidence of advanced diction. Writer avoids clichés, weak words, slang, and contractions.
PL2 1.75 (17.50%) points
Errors begin to affect readability. Writer uses mostly appropriate diction with minor use of clichés, weak words, slang, and contractions.
PL1 0 (0.00%) points
Multiple errors severely affect readability and/or overuse of clichés, weak words, slang, contractions, or other informal language.
Score= 7 out of 10
[DC1]Somewhat repetitive thesis
It does have both an assertion and forecast, but it is not particularly well stated and lacks originality.
[DC2]Run on
[DC3]Missing comma
[DC4]Awkward wording
[DC5]The attempt at a transition here may be better than none at all, but it does seem forced and somewhat awkward in this case.
[DC6]The order of the argument is questionable. Typically, we want to end with our strongest and most convincing line of reasoning.
Prompt F: Should children under 14 be allowed on Facebook? Why, or why not?
Thesis: Children under 14 should not be allowed to be on Facebook. [DC1]
Topic sentence 1: Some children do not understand that grown individuals on the Internet tend to try to [DC2] bribe kids pretending like they’re[DC3] a business that way they can get [DC4] their addresses. This can result in kidnapping children, or even worse, rape or death. They are not old enough to navigate the complexities of relationships online, which almost always [DC5] leads to misunderstandings and conflicts.
Topic sentence 2: Facebook has inappropriate language and content that 14 year olds do not need to see or even be in that environment[DC6] . Grown individuals also [DC7] tend to talk about killing people they do not like.
Topic sentence 3: Ch[DC8] ildren may end up getting into trouble trying to do things they see people on Facebook doing. Whether this is using inappropriate language, posting their body in a revealing way, or even just texting back random people that they have been warned about by their parents[DC9]
PL4 2.5 (25.00%) points
Explicit thesis is exceptionally worded, original, and thought-provoking. Thesis reveals a creative perspective on the topic at hand.
PL3 2 (20.00%) points
Explicit thesis is original and thought-provoking.
PL2 1.75 (17.50%) points
Thesis is explicitly stated and satisfies the objective of the assignment.
PL1 0 (0.00%) points
Thesis is missing (or) unclear (or) an announcement of topic (or) does not address the assignment.
PL4 2.5 (25.00%) points
Support for thesis is soundly based on the best possible details/evidence/examples that seamlessly aggregate to illustrate a single unified idea. Development of support reveals a deep and intense grappling with ideas.
PL3 2 (20.00%) points
Details/evidence/ examples clearly support the thesis in a logical way that persuades or informs the reader.
PL2 1.75 (17.50%) points
Details/evidence/examples are adequate and related to thesis.
PL1 0 (0.00%) points
Details/evidence/examples are too similar (and/or) inadequate (and/or) weak (and/or) unrelated to thesis.
PL4 2.5 (25.00%) points
The organization of the outline reveals the logical analysis and synthesis of a given topic through effortless transitions and thoughtful division of ideas into sections.
PL3 2 (20.00%) points
The organization of the outline reveals a structured analysis of a given topic through the use of appropriate transitions and sections. The outline has a logical flow of ideas.
PL2 1.75 (17.50%) points
A clear pattern of organization is evident through the use of sections and appropriate transition words and phrases.
PL1 0 (0.00%) points
Outline shows little to no discernible pattern of organization. Ideas are not logically connected by any obvious means.
PL4 2.5 (25.00%) points
No usage errors or sentence structure errors. Strong evidence of advanced diction. No clichés, weak words, slang, or contractions.
PL3 2 (20.00%) points
Minor errors. Some evidence of advanced diction. Writer avoids clichés, weak words, slang, and contractions.
PL2 1.75 (17.50%) points
Errors begin to affect readability. Writer uses mostly appropriate diction with minor use of clichés, weak words, slang, and contractions.
PL1 0 (0.00%) points
Multiple errors severely affect readability and/or overuse of clichés, weak words, slang, contractions, or other informal language.
Score= 5.25 out of 10
[DC1]The thesis is an unoriginal restatement of the prompt with no forecast.
[DC2]Awkward wording
[DC3]Informal word choice
[DC4]Questionable grammatical structure
[DC5]Potential over generalization
[DC6]Awkward structure
[DC7]While related, this sentence is presented as a new piece of support rather than a continuation or clarification of the topic sentence. At best, it is a major supporting detail, which is unneeded for this question response.
[DC8]The response lacks transitions or discernable organization strategies. However, each topic is defined fairly well, and the topics are not repetitive.

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