For this week’s Assignment, you will apply the theories, behavior change techniques, and research that you have covered so far this term to hypothetical case studies. Your answers to the questions should consist of information from the text and supplemental readings. You also may use sources from the Library or other credible Internet sources, but your primary sources should be the readings assigned for the course.
Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2019). Applied Behavior Analysis (3rd ed.). Pearson Education (US).
Read Chapter 23 in Behavior Modification: “Behavioral Contracts”
Read Chapter 20 in Behavior Modification: “Self-Management”
Read the following article:
Wulfert, E. (2021). Rule-governed behavior. Salem Press Encyclopedia of Health.
You will be composing PowerPoint slides and using voice-over narration. Your PowerPoint slides should contain bullet points that you then describe and elaborate on in your narration. You should avoid long lengths of text in your slides. Stick to short sentences and bullet points.
Prepare your presentation in a way that presents a professional image to your clients. Your narration should be consistent with the culture and characteristics of behavior analysis. The language you use should be behavioral and you should avoid mentalistic wording and explanations. Relate your understanding of how behavior analysts perform in the work setting through your slides and tone.
Your PowerPoint must be your original work; plagiarism will not be tolerated. Be sure to review the Syllabus in terms of what constitutes plagiarism. Please make sure to provide proper credit for those sources used in your case study analysis in proper APA format. Please see the APA Quick Reference for any questions related to APA citations. You must credit authors when you:
Summarize a concept, theory, or research
Use direct quotes from the text or articles
Case Scenario #1: Jimmy Hates Homework
A family has contacted you, a Behavior Analyst, to help their son Jimmy be more consistent in completing his homework. His parents are specifically concerned about reading and math. Jimmy’s parents want him to read for 20 minutes per weeknight and practice multiplication for 10 minutes per weeknight. Jimmy is currently reading once a week for 20 minutes and practicing multiplication once a week for 10 minutes. He is a typically developing child with normal intelligence and has the capability to read and complete math at grade level. He is choosing not to read and practice math and is instead choosing to watch television, play video games, and chat with friends online. You have decided that a contingency contract is the best plan to change Jimmy’s behavior. Before you write the contingency contract, though, you need to determine what Jimmy’s preferences are and what would likely be an effective reinforcer. You will prepare a narrated PowerPoint that covers the following topics:
Compare two types of preference assessments and identify which would be best to use with Jimmy. Describe how you will conduct the preference assessment.
Explain to the parents what a contingency contract is, summarizing the purpose and justifying its use by explaining how contingency contracts have successfully been used in research.
Develop a contingency contract for Jimmy, including all necessary components:
Define the target behaviors by writing a 1–2 sentence operational definition that meets all of the following criteria:
Passes the “Dead Man’s” test and the “stranger” test
Uses no labels or hypothetical constructs
State how the behaviors will be measured.
State when the behaviors will be performed.
Identify the contingency used to change the behavior.
Identify who is responsible for implementing the contingency.
Defend why you expect this procedure to be effective. Include a descriiption of the applicable behavior principles that explain why contingency contracts work.
Case Scenario #2: Group Home Chaos
You, a Behavior Analyst, have been contacted by the program director of a group home for 11-15-year-old boys. He describes the current environment in the group home as “chaos.” The boys are refusing to do household chores, complete homework, or clean their rooms. Staff members are having problems with “non-compliance” and “rowdy behavior” exhibited by the boys. You have been asked to develop a plan to bring order to this chaotic home. You have decided that a token economy is the best choice.
Choose an appropriate preference assessment to assess the preferences of this group of boys. Describe how you will conduct the preference assessment.
Begin by explaining to the program director the purpose of a token economy and justify its use by explaining how it has been successfully used in prior research.
Develop a token economy for this group of boys, including all of the required components:
Define 5 target behaviors by writing a 1–2 sentence operational definition that meets all of the following criteria:
Passes the “Dead Man’s” test and the “stranger” test
Uses no labels or hypothetical constructs
Identify the token to be used.
Identify a list of 10 backup reinforcers.
Identify the schedule of exchange (i.e., how many tokens are given for each target behavior).
Identify the token exchange rate (i.e., how many tokens are required to acquire each backup reinforcer).
Establish the time and place for token exchange (e.g., daily, weekly).
Identify whether you will include a response cost procedure. Include your rationale.
Defend why you expect this procedure to be effective. Include a descriiption of the roles of tokens and backup reinforcers.
Submitting your Assignment
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