First draft includes all of the required sections: Abstract/Introduction/Results

First draft includes all of the required sections: Abstract/Introduction/Results/Discussion/Conclusion.
Use primary medical research study that explores your thesis.
Write a review of the article. Be sure to include the following information:
The study subjects (People? Tissue? Animals?)
How the subjects were selected. (Random? Already suffering from an ailment? Children? Elderly?) Summarize the relevant inclusion/exclusion criteria.
The size of the study
The length of the study
The Latin name of botanical used, type of preparation used (alcohol extract, tea, powder, etc.) and the details of how it was prepared, part of the botanical used (fresh or dried?), if the botanical or extract was standardized or assayed, and the dosage/frequency used in the study
The methodology used in the study: summarize the study design
The results of the study in your own words
Any conflicts of interest or bias?
Your review should be 2-3 paragraphs. Be sure to include the APA formatted reference for the research article and use APA in-text citations.

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