Final Marketing Plan Run via Turn It In Plagiarism Checker, your score must be 9

Final Marketing Plan
Run via Turn It In Plagiarism Checker, your score must be 9 or less to be accepted.
You can resubmit until your score is 9 or less.
If your paper is greater than 9, it will not be accepted.
Please make sure to preview your work and make sure it submitted correctly.
3 pages , No more, no less (Do not pad the paper with you name, class name etc., this will not count toward your content)
12 point font
1.5 spacing
No padding the paper with extra space.
Choose any product that you would like to sell for a selling price of under $50, no more.
For example a solar power cell phone charger. (You can use this example if you like)
1.Provide a description of your product
2. Discuss the 4 Ps (Note I don’t want definitions, I want you to describe how the 4 Ps apply to your product?
3. Choose a target market
4. List the Competition
5. List how you are different and the value you provide from the competition.
(See posted Rubric in the Syllabus for grading criteria)
Average Score is an A, average time to complete is 2 hours.

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