Euler was a prolific and influential mathematician, physicist and designer who l

Euler was a prolific and influential mathematician, physicist and designer who lived in the eighteenth century.  Born on April 15, 1707 in Basel, Switzerland, he made critical contributions to various parts of mathematics and had a major impact on the field.
Euler′s greatest work was in the areas of number theory, graph theory, analysis, and numerical testing.  His outstanding work was the graph conjecture.  In number theory, Euler made great strides in the investigation of prime numbers.
He devised several hypotheses and conjectures related to prime numbers, and his work on the Basel publication led to the revelation of the wonderful Euler′s equation: Σ(1/n^2) = π^2/6, where Σ is the value of  Inverse of the squares of all definite numbers n.  This equation provided an unexpected connection between prime numbers and the numerical integral π and has become an exemplary result of the number hypothesis.
He presented advanced writings for geometric possibilities (such as sin, cos, and tan) and advocated the use of e to address the base of common logarithms.  Euler made decisive progress in the investigation of infinite series and differential conditions, fundamental ideas in analysis.
He discovered problems in mechanics, fluid elements and the three-body problem in divine mechanics.
Euler′s large body of work includes a large number of distributed papers and books covering a wide range of numerical themes.  His ability to synthesize and expand existing information and create new areas of review earned him recognition as the greatest mathematician of all time.
Leonhard Euler′s legacy in the field of arithmetic is limitless.  His hypotheses, recipes, and papers have become integral to modern science, and his work is developed and celebrated by mathematicians worldwide.  Euler′s dedication left a permanent mark on the field, making him a persistent and influential figure throughout the entire existence of science.
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