Essay Questions: need 1 essay to be answered onlt 1. Why does sociology challen

Essay Questions: need 1 essay to be answered onlt
1. Why does sociology challenge the belief that emotions are personal or individual? Choose a personal reflection to illustrate your answer.
2. Why are some sociologists critical of ‘therapy culture’? Give examples from your own experiences or draw on a recent case study.
3. Drawing on theories from the module, explain how your romantic relationships are impacted by societal norms and expectations.
4. Sara Ahmed argues that when you raise a problem, you become the problem. Discuss an example of when you have experienced societal injustice (Sexism, racism classism, ableism etc) as a result of trying to expose that injustice.
5. Drawing on personal reflections, discuss how theories from the module have enabled you to make sense of your anger differently.
6. In what ways can shame be productive when addressing social inequalities? Draw on a case study of collective shame from a recent political event, or a personal experience of when you felt shame/ashamed (or even resisted feeling shamed).
7. What are some of the problems with current discourses and ‘myths’ around masculinity and emotions? Use an example or case study from Social Media, Popular Culture (fact or fiction) or your own reflections.
General guidelines
1. You must use at least 10 academic sources in your essay.
2. You must also show evidence you have read around the topic.
3. It is important to demonstrate that you have built upon the content from the seminars and lectures.
4. Use the ‘red book’ and ‘referencing guide’ to ensure correct referencing and bibliography style.
5. Don’t forget to include a word count and a bibliography and ensure your name DOES NOT appear on your essay.

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