ENG 101 – Comp 1​​​​​​​​ ​​Summer 2023 Prof. M. Barnes ​​​ Writing Assignment 1:

ENG 101 – Comp 1​​​​​​​​ ​​Summer 2023
Prof. M. Barnes
Writing Assignment 1: Trigger Warnings in the Classroom

Some critics would argue that the purpose of college is to stir discussion, not silence it; that college should be a place where students can debate ideas openly and freely, where those ideas are not censored. However, other critics would argue that over the past decade or so, college campuses are becoming places where ideas are censored and diversity and tolerance are not celebrated. In fact, one prime example of censorship and a lack of tolerance on college campuses would be the use of trigger warnings in the classroom. For this assignment, I want you to write about BOTH SIDES OF THE ARGUMENTS on the trigger warning debate, arguing for and against trigger warnings.
In your essay, you must cite correctly inside your paper the 3 articles we read by Medina, Richson, and Overton. You can use ONLY the 3 classes readings to help you write the paper. You cannot use information from any other sources!
Important: Here are BOTH SIDES of the 4 arguments your essay MUST discuss:
Trigger warnings are (and are not) coddling students
Everyone has (does not have) triggers
Trigger warnings do (and do not) threaten academic freedom
Trigger warnings do (and do not) censor great works of literature
This paper must be 900 words and double spaced. For this paper, you must use MLA In-text Citations & have an MLA Works Cited page. See the handouts, and if you’re not sure how to do this, then please inbox me on Canvas.
​​Organizing Trigger Warning Paper

Remember this paper must be 900 words and double spaced. In order to organize your ideas, it is important that you consider what the focus will be in each paragraph of your essay. Organize your paper in the following order:

Para 1: Introduction with Thesis & Plan of Development (POD) – In this paragraph, think of
​an interesting way to introduce your readers to the topic and then in the last 1-2
sentences of this paragraph write your Thesis Statement which is the purpose of the
essay and your Plan of Development which let readers know the 4 arguments on ​which your paper will focus.

Para 2: Discuss the argument that trigger warnings are coddling students. Cite the reading
that mentions this argument. Then discuss the argument that trigger warnings are
NOT coddling students.

Para 3: Discuss the argument that everyone has triggers. Cite the reading that mentions this
argument. Then discuss the argument that NOT everyone has triggers.

Para 4: Discuss the argument that trigger warnings threaten academic freedom. Cite the
reading that mentions this argument. Then discuss the argument that trigger warnings
does NOT threaten academic freedom.

Para 5: Discuss the argument that trigger warnings censor great works of literature. Cite the
reading that mentions this argument. Then discuss the argument that trigger warnings
do NOT censor great works of literature.

Para 6: Conclusion – Remember, you essay must have a concluding paragraph. Here is where
you can restate your thesis and plan of development, and give a final thought on the
issue of trigger warnings such as your own opinion about trigger warnings, but
remember to limit this to one paragraph.

Important Reminder: Please remember this paper is NOT a summary of the 3 articles; you must present the arguments and give examples from the class readings of those arguments. Also, make every effort to present the arguments and examples in your own words. Please do not use a bunch of quotes in your paper. Finally, proofread your paper closely for spelling errors.

​​​​​MLA In-text Citation
​In order to avoid plagiarism, it is important that you cite the articles inside your paper so readers will know where you got the ideas to help you write your research paper.

1. In a sentence, introduce the author’s full name and the title of the article in quotation marks. Remember to set the quote up AND explain the quote.

For example,
​Matthew Garrahan, author of the article, “California to Weigh Legalizing Marijuana,” writes that in November, voters in California will go to the polls to vote on legalizing marijuana.

Important Note: Since you will be PARAPHRASING information from the 3 articles and including that information in you paper, YOU MUST USE IN-TEXT CITATION OR YOUR PAPER WILL BE PLAIGARIZED!
​​MLA Works Cited
​In addition to mentioning the 3 articles INSIDE your paper, you must also list the information about the authors and the 3 articles on a Works Cited page, so click on the links to the articles to see what information you must get from the article. But first, here are some General Rules for Works Cited page: DO NOT IGNORE THESE RULES.
1. Must be double-spaced
2. Works Cited typed at top center
3. List articles in alphabetical order by Authors’ last names (If there is no author, put in alphabetical order by the title.)
4. Type until you get to the end of the margin, then indent if there’s a 2nd (3rd, 4th, etc) line for the article.

Here is the information you will need to look for on your 3 articles to create the Works Cited page for your paper:

Author’s Last name, first name. “Title of Article in Quotation Marks.” Name of website or Journal italics. ​Volume & Issue Number (if any). Date of article. Page numbers (if any). DOI or
​URL address (without https://).
Here is a more specific example below:
Wadhwa, Vivek. “How Can We Make Technology Healthier for Humans?” Wired, 26 June 2018,

Richson: Colleges should adopt trigger warnings

Overton: Beware the trigger warning

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