Discussion 1 U2dis1- (word document attached)———–Using the Riverbend City

Discussion 1 U2dis1- (word document attached)———–Using the Riverbend City: Strategic Planning for Community Needs media piece you completed in this unit’s study, focus on the public health issues and challenges each character described. The community is clearly at a critical inflection point where strategic approaches should be enacted to address the community’s pressing public health challenges. But where and how should the director of the local public health department begin?
Drawing from key learnings in your readings, identify and describe three of the six approaches to planning you feel the director of the local public health department should consider. Specifically, reference the community members’ concerns in your response. For each approach, provide a definition, the condition(s) for which it is best applied, and why you selected the approach.
Discussion 2—-(document attached )
Goals and Outcomes in Context
In the Riverbend City: Community Health Needs Assessment media piece you completed as part of this unit’s study, you had the opportunity to prioritize the public health issues voiced by the citizens. Now, apply what you have learned to a real-life community based on the Hennepin County Medical Center Community Health Needs Assessment, linked in the Resources.
Utilize the Initial List of Health Needs for Consideration section of the Hennepin County Medical Center Community Health Needs Assessment (pages 14–21) to complete the following:
Review the 7 listed health needs, and select one. Be sure to identify your selection.
Relate your selection to 2–3 of the key qualitative themes from interviews for that health need. Use the data provided for the county, HCMC community, and specific neighborhood/population to further describe the health need you selected.
Align the health need and the key qualitative themes you have selected to the most significant health outcome you would expect to achieve at a community level. Be sure to explain your rationale.
DISCUSSION 3—-Chapter 5 of your textbook discussed the public health pyramid (Figure 1-2). At each level of this pyramid, health problems, relevant theories, and targeted interventions are delivered.
For this discussion post, do the following:
Refer to a specific level of the public health pyramid. This should be clearly named in your post.
Utilizing the health need you identified in this unit’s Goals and Outcomes in Context discussion, conduct a brief literature search of evidence-based interventions regarding the chosen health need. Identify and briefly describe the intervention. Remember, alignment is key here—if you identify “direct healthcare services” in the public health pyramid, the evidence-based intervention should in fact be one-to-one (at the individual level).
Cite and explain how the chosen evidence-based intervention has been utilized to impact a specific health outcome. (This does not have to be the outcome you identified in the Goals and Outcomes in Context discussion.)

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